Monday, July 13, 2009

Forgiveness...take two...

Forgiveness...boy oh boy...what a loaded topic...some believe that the offender has to ask the offended for forgiveness b4 the offended can what a loaded topic...I'm convinced that the offended should forgive mainly for their sake...shucks how often have we done something that has offended someone else and don't even know about it???

I guess that's why it is a biblical principle that if someone has offended you to go to that person...Matt. 18...Unforgiveness is a's a responsibility to bear (think about it)...just think, how much energy is it stay emotionally engaged in negative feelings??? Avoiding talking to your spouse...seething in "self justification"...etc...someone said we all put on our pants the same way, mine "waste" don't smell any better then your's...

I've had to do some forgiving in my life and I think the most powerful lesson, or one of the most powerful lessons is that forgiveness is NOT a feeling, but a choice...I think and I could be wrong, but a lot of us wait for some magic, mystical moment when we quiver with warm, gooey sensations of forgiveness until we actually decide to forgive someone for their sin against us...Why?? Again, I submit to you, it's FOR YOU when you forgive. I don't have to wait for some euphoric moment in time to randomly hit me for me to decide if I'll do something good for myself...

Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of us have had some very deeply challenging situations and I'm not simply saying a mere casual, nonchalant "get over it", but their isn't anyone who has lived a perfect life and who hasn't had to forgive someone for their wrong(s) and chances are there is someone out there that may have a "worse grievance" (if I can say it like that) and then on the other hand...I think comparing offenses for the sake of who endured more or who hurt the most is somewhat juvenile (I'm guilty of this) because everyone deals with things differently in there own process, but I submit to you, that we have a larger stake in that process time then what some of us by a making a decision to forgive and move on...this by no means condones the offender, again it's about your future, your peace your life more then anything...I've been in situations where I was the offended and allowed the offender to become apart of my unforgiveness and oddly enough it seemed as though approaching the offender and forgiving them was a like a load lifted off of them as well...I don't know about you, but I realize and continue to realize that my life does not belong to me, it belongs to my King and others...the scripture instructs us to pray for those who persecute you and spitefully use you and it's hard to remain upset with someone if you're genuinely praying for them...the scripture also says to Blessed are ye, when [men] shall revile you, and persecute [you], and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Matt. 5:11...instead of getting bitter, get better, don't be a victim, be a the words of my brother, "The Ryan", ahh that feels better...just something to think about...

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